It’s always good to know a few helpful words or expressions when travelling in another country. The local people love teaching you more words, and it’s polite and fun to order when in a restaurant.
- Selamat pagi : Good morning, normally from 05 am to 10.59 am
- Selamat siang : A greeting from 11 am until 3 pm
- Selamat sore : A greeting from 3.01 pm until 6 pm as sore is when the sun begins to fade
- Selamat malam : A greeting from 7 pm until 12 am
Meeting people
- What is your name? : Nama Anda siapa?
- Nice to meet you : Salam Kenal
- Terima kasih [banyak] : Thank you [very much]
- Permisi [per-mi-si] : Excuse me
Note: we say “permisi” in Indonesia while passing by someone, or when we want to ask for help from other people.
In restaurant
- I would like to order … : Saya mau pesan …
- Not too spicy … : Jangan terlalu pedas
- Delicious : Enak
- Do you have a menu? : Apakah kamu punya menu?
- Can I have the bill? : Bolehkah saya minta bill?
- I don’t want it spicy : Saya tidak mau pedas
- I don’t want sugar : Saya tidak mau gula
- No MSG please : Tidak pakai MSG/michin
- Can I have water? : Boleh saya minta air?
- Can I have ice? : Boleh saya minta es?
- I cannot eat nuts : Saya tidak bisa makan kacang
- I don’t understand : Saya tidak mengerti
- I don’t know : Saya tidak tahu
- How much [asking for price] : Berapa harganya?
- Where is the toilet? : Di mana toilet?